Books I've Written

Read, laugh, reflect: where thoughts turn into adventures and every page is a discovery.

Silent Chaos: Quiet the Mind, Free the Story

Hey there, explorer of the unusual!

You've stumbled upon the right place at the right time. Yes, I'm talking to you! This is my corner of the web, a refuge where I organize my thoughts and silence that relentless narrative voice, the one that constantly runs a play-by-play of my life.

Why do I write? It’s not a choice, it’s a necessity. It’s the only way to calm the mental noise and find peace, even if just temporarily. Here among these pages, I turn chaos into words, anxieties into characters, and dilemmas into compelling plots.

Browse through my books, where each story is a piece of this intricate puzzle that is my mind. You’ll discover tales born from the need to silence the daily commentary and create a new, surprising, often irreverent order.

Join this literary adventure!

Don’t just skim the surface. Dive into the depths of the pages, where the serious mocks itself and the surreal becomes the norm. Subscribe to the newsletter to stay updated on every new madness that pops into my head and that I decide to share.

For the Little Ones 

Small minds, big adventures: stories that spark imagination and laughter.

woman hiding on balloon

My Pal Eugene

In a world where a confused genie and a rapper teddy bear intertwine with the bizarre adventures of Ivo Caccola, 'My Friend Eugenio' delivers endless laughs and surprises. Join Ivo and his strange companions as they try to set history straight! 

The Radish Gang Chronicle

Discover the escapades of RavaLeo and friends in 'The Radish Gang', an adventure where fantasy and reality intertwine through hilarious dialogues and plot twists. 

L'ultimo guardiano di Roma

 Un'avventura romana tra fantasmi, archeologi improbabili e creature pelose che non sanno stare al loro posto.

For Adults 

Stories that slap you in the face: absurd adventures and deep reflections.

woman covering her face with white book

The Purgatory Guy

In a world where a poor devil juggles hellish call centers and bus 615, "The Purgatory Guy" is a wild, irreverent ride through a nightmare job and a surreal reality. Will Frank, our hero, survive his crazy day? Find out now!

Everyone Wants To Kill God

A hipster god finds himself catapulted into a hilariously absurd divine adventure that starts at a call center. He attempts to save creation and his own skin from the murderous intentions of atheist cardinals, envious scientists, and the incomprehensible world of work.


An intertwining of history, mythology, and the Rome that was and will be, in a narrative adventure that defies time and reality. A unique journey where the past meets the present in Rome. This novel weaves together past and present, challenging perceptions of reality and concepts of time and happiness.

Wild Boars Make The Front Page

An irreverent and amusing story about a politician dealing with wild boars, daily disasters, and legal troubles in chaotic Rome. Carlo Martelli, a rising political star, faces his biggest challenge: managing the wild boar invasion in northern Rome while trying to save his career and reconnect with his rebellious son. A mix of tragicomic situations and unexpected twists.

Essays and Manuals

Survival guides for chaos: essays that enlighten and make you laugh.

person holding Happy by Alex Lemon book

Beating The Creative Brain-Freeze

Uncover foolproof strategies to conquer writer's block and rekindle your passion for writing. This is a journey to rediscover your creativity. A guided tour through methods and techniques to surpass creative blocks. Learn how to transform the fear of the blank page into a vibrant story with a practical and straightforward approach.

Find out moore 


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