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Homo erectus

A blog that solves existential mysteries (like why coffee from the café tastes way better than the one you make at home),
editorial services that turn chaos into art, and books where irony does a little tango with the surreal. Essays? Sure, but only if you twist my arm!

Che cos'è questo sito

Qui non ci si prende troppo sul serio, a meno che non si tratti di fare una risata o due (magari tre). Se sei capitatə per sbaglio su questo sito, mi dispiace per te. Se invece sei qui perché cerchi avventura, ironia e una sana dose di follia narrativa, beh, allora hai trovato il tuo nuovo posto preferito.

What is this site?

Here, we don't take ourselves too seriously, unless we're talking about having a good laugh or two (maybe three, if you're lucky). If you stumbled upon this site by accident, my condolences. But if you're here seeking adventure, irony, and a healthy dose of narrative madness, well, congratulations—you've just found your new favorite place.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand Italian—the video has English subtitles! So, unless you were planning to become fluent in hand gestures and dramatic pauses, you’re good to go.


Homo Erectus is a haven for those of us, like you, who are on a quest for answers to life's big mysteries. You know, like why your coffee never quite measures up to the stuff they serve at the café. These are the important questions, after all. It’s a place where you can laugh at the things that usually make your head spin. If you've ever thought that life’s too short to be taken too seriously, then congratulations—you’ve found your new favorite blog.

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Editorial Services

Homo Erectus offers creative writing services, consultations for literary humor, coaching to overcome writer’s block, and general editorial magic. If you’re looking to add a dash of madness to your project, or you’re just staring at a blank page wondering where to start, drop me a line. I’ll take a look at your problem, have a good laugh about it, and then solve it. Or at the very least, make it seem a lot less terrifying.

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Homo Erectus is the showcase for my books, crafted with a potent mix of sharp irony, dark humor, and a healthy dose of surrealism. I love to toy with life’s paradoxes and the absurdities of the everyday, taking readers to worlds where the line between reality and fantasy is delightfully blurred. Oh, and I should mention—sometimes I accidentally write essays too!

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