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A Not-So-Ordinary Resume

Between blunders, self-proclaimed genius, and juggling phone calls, my career has been anything but boring 

My Resume 

If you want to know the details of my real work experiences, click the button below and you can choose the subtitle language.

My Resume

A Bit of a Philosopher and a Bit of a Nut

Hi, I’m Alessandro Liggieri, the brain (and the brawn) behind Homo Erectus, a site where history, philosophy, art, and storytelling collide with the absurd, turning the everyday into something epic. If you’re looking for an author who can expertly blend satire, comedy, and a dash of madness, then you’ve stumbled upon the right person. Fair warning: in here, you’ll find everything from time-traveling with brave vegetables to devils battling Rome’s traffic.

Creativity and Discipline

Sono nato  il primo dicembreI was born on December 1st, just missing the chance to share a birthday with Woody Allen (though, sadly, also a day late to share it with Britney Spears). My life has been an explosive mix of military discipline (thanks, Dad!) and an insatiable thirst for art (round of applause for Mom). Between philosophy classes and attempts to become the next great screenwriter, I spent my days learning that life is the best novel you can write. And now, I’m sharing it with you.

Philosophy, Novels, and Cartoons

After a brief fling with philosophy (and a few classmates), I realized my true passion was storytelling—whether it’s on a screen or between the pages of a book. From philosophical dialogues to the conversations in my novels, I’ll show you how to turn thoughts—deep or not so deep—into stories that even my five-year-old nephew could enjoy.

Learning from Challenges

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade, right? And when you find yourself working at Apple Care during an economic crisis, what do you do? You learn, you grow, and then you write a blog about facing storms with a smile. Here are my tales of failures turned into stepping stones (plus a few tips on how not to fall flat on your face).

Alessandro's books

My Library (Feel Free to Sneak a Peek)

Okay, I admit it: I have a book problem. I can’t resist them. If I see a cover, it’s already in my cart. But don’t worry, I’m not one of those people who reads them all right away. Some have been sitting there for years, like ancient relics of a forgotten culture (my motivation). Anyway, if you want to snoop, I mean, "explore" my library, check out the GoodReads widget below. You might find something interesting—or just confirm that my taste in books is questionable.


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