homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Cacao: Between Bitter Tears and Sweet Laughs If you think cacao is just for making hot chocolate, Jorge Amado is here to tell you, "Oh, my dear, life is much more bitter than that." Here’s a story that takes you straight to Brazilian plantations... Libri Recensioni Romanzi
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Sharknado: flying sharks, the craziest movie ever Sharknado is the peak of trash cinema, with flying sharks and tornadoes colliding in an explosion of absurdity. You can't miss it. Why watch Sharknado? Madness at its best Get ready: you're about to s... Film Recensioni Trash
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Eye for an Eye: When Vengeance Is a Matter of Style, Even Without Eyes When a blind samurai decides to slice his way through everyone in his path, feudal Japan is never the same. A film about revenge, swords, and, surprisingly, introspection. No Need for Eyes to See Reve... Film Prime Video Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Slaughterhouse-Five: When War and Aliens Teach You the Meaning of Life Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five takes us on a surreal journey through the mind of Billy Pilgrim, blending the trauma of war with alien philosophy. World War II, the bombings of Dresden, and strang... Libri Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Birdemic 2: The Trash Masterpiece You Never Knew You Wanted Birdemic 2: The Resurrection is the sequel no one asked for but everyone should see at least once to believe it exists. And yes, it's even worse than the first one. Why Watch Birdemic 2? Simple: To Hu... Film Recensioni Trash
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri La Conferenza: Riunioni aziendali con un tocco di machete" Un ritiro aziendale che si trasforma in un incubo: 'La Conferenza' è un horror con tanto di colleghi antipatici, segreti aziendali e... un assassino che non ha mai sentito parlare di ferie. Benvenuti ... Film Netflix Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri The Tales of Sevastopol Three stories, three key moments, and a whole lot of poor decisions. Tolstoy doesn’t hold back: from freezing cold trenches to desperate people making desperate choices, The Tales of Sevastopol is her... Libri Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Manos: The Hands of Fate – The Movie So Bad It’ll Make You Appreciate the News If you think bad movies are fun, you haven’t seen Manos: The Hands of Fate yet. A masterpiece of chaos and absurdity that will make you rethink even the films you hate. Why Watching This Movie Is a Un... Film Recensioni Trash
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself Cobweb promises suspense but leaves you with more questions than chills. If you love horror movies that don’t take themselves too seriously and leave you hanging like a sock with a hole, this one’s fo... Film Horror Netflix Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri "The Trial": Because Kafka Makes Your Bureaucratic Nightmares Look Like a Walk in the Park With "The Trial," Kafka turns bureaucracy into a nightmare from which there's no escape. If you think your life is complicated, wait until you read this book. Plot: K., the Man Who Should Have Stayed ... Libri Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Mac and Me: An Alien, a Wheelchair Kid, and Way Too Much McDonald's An unmissable taste! If you want a visual sample, here's a clip. Watch it now and prepare to be amazed! When Product Placement Meets Aliens: Welcome to Macdonaldland Have you ever thought, "You know w... Recensioni Trash
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri The Book of Clarence: A Messiah You Didn't See Coming The Book of Clarence tries to mix religious satire and biblical drama, but gets lost on its way to the Promised Land. Let’s find out why Clarence is the anti-Messiah nobody wanted, but everyone might ... Film Netflix Recensioni