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Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself

Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself.
September 13, 2024 by
Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Cobweb promises suspense but leaves you with more questions than chills. If you love horror movies that don’t take themselves too seriously and leave you hanging like a sock with a hole, this one’s for you.

Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself 

There’s a house, there are some weird (really weird) parents, and then there’s a kid who hears mysterious noises behind the walls. The premise makes you think, “Okay, it’s a classic setup, but it could work.” But the longer you watch, the more you realize the only real mystery is why you're still watching.

The noises that Peter, the protagonist, hears behind the walls seem like the prelude to something big, scary, and memorable… and instead, they leave you with the bitter feeling that the only thing disappearing in this film is any sense of narrative logic. His parents, by the way, are a delightful bundle of awkwardness: two people who make you wish you'd never been invited to dinner.

And there you are, sitting with your cold popcorn, waiting for the big moment. And waiting some more. And more. Until finally, you’re left wondering: “Am I watching a horror film or just a recap of someone’s bad day?”

Cobweb: The tension builds, but only in your patience

The movie tries—using every tool at its disposal (which I suspect aren’t many)—to build tension. At first, it works: creepy house, a kid hearing things he shouldn’t, and parents who seem more worrisome than the noises themselves. But here’s the problem: the tension is only on paper. It feels like something terrible is about to happen, but every time you think you’re on the verge of discovering the truth, the film pulls back like it’s afraid to actually scare you.

Every time Peter gets close to revealing the mystery, you’re sitting there thinking, “Here it comes!” And then… nothing. Another awkward conversation, another creepy stare, and your desire to figure out what the hell is going on starts to fade—just like the plot. The issue isn’t the lack of action; it’s the lack of direction. It’s as if the movie is trying to scare you with the waiting game, but without giving you the satisfaction of a proper payoff.

Cobweb: Behind every wall is a secret… that you don’t really care about uncovering

The story of Cobweb follows little Peter, a kid living with two parents who seem like they’ve crawled out of a suburban nightmare. They’re not just weird—they’re the kind of people who make you rethink how normal your own family is. As Peter starts hearing strange noises behind the walls, things quickly go downhill, but not in a good way.

As the mystery unravels, we discover there’s a secret behind those walls, and at that point, you expect the movie to hit you with a mind-blowing revelation. But no. What you get is an explanation that leaves a lot to be desired. The horror doesn’t come from what you uncover, but from the fact you’ve spent an hour and a half waiting for something more. Sure, there are moments of tension, but they’re like summer storms: they roll in, make a bit of noise, and leave without much of an impact.

Un assaggio imperdibile!

Se vuoi un assaggio visivo, ecco una clip. Guarda ora e lasciati stupire!

A taste you can't miss!

If you're craving a visual bite, here's a clip. Watch it now and prepare to be amazed!

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché se sei un amante dell’horror e ti piacciono le atmosfere cupe e i personaggi inquietanti, potresti trovare in Cobweb qualche momento interessante. Inoltre, se hai una passione per i film che sembrano confusi e ti piace fare il detective per capire cosa sia andato storto, questo film potrebbe essere la tua occasione.



Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché la trama è così confusa che rischi di perderti nel labirinto delle ragnatele senza mai trovare una via d’uscita. Se cerchi un horror con una trama solida e colpi di scena ben costruiti, Cobweb ti lascerà deluso e forse anche un po' arrabbiato.

Why I Recommend It

I recommend it because if you’re a horror lover and you enjoy dark atmospheres and creepy characters, you might find Cobweb offers some interesting moments. Plus, if you have a passion for films that seem confused and enjoy playing detective to figure out what went wrong, this movie could be your chance.



Why I Don't Recommend It

I don’t recommend it because the plot is so confused that you risk getting lost in the web of spider threads without ever finding your way out. If you’re looking for a horror film with a solid plot and well-executed twists, Cobweb will leave you disappointed and maybe even a little angry.

Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri September 13, 2024


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