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Sing 2: when dreams (almost) come true!

The sequel you didn’t know you wanted but will love anyway.
October 18, 2024 by
Sing 2: when dreams (almost) come true!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Animals that sing, dance, and dream big! Sing 2 is back to bring us a mix of pop songs and cartoon jokes. Ready to take the stage?

When animals make it big: what to expect from Sing 2

If you're a fan of animated movies that make you forget your problems for two hours, then Sing 2 is exactly what you need. This time, Buster Moon, the charismatic koala entrepreneur, wants to bring his show to the big stage by aiming for Redshore City, a sort of Las Vegas for animals. But it's not all glitz and glamour because getting the approval of tycoon Jimmy Crystal won’t be easy. And no, it's not a film about animals with existential crises, but about those who dream big and fight for their place in the spotlight.

The film is the sequel to Sing (2016), and if you enjoyed the first one, you'll feel right at home with its mix of musical hits, eccentric characters, and cartoon-style chases. But the real question is: will Sing 2 shine like its predecessor, or will it just be a bigger, noisier copy?

More songs

The plot of Sing 2 isn't exactly a philosophical puzzle. In fact, it's pretty simple: Buster and his team want to put on a show never seen before and win over the audience of Redshore City. But like any big dream, there are obstacles to overcome: a ruthless director, a cast of struggling musical stars, and a few twists along the way.

The real magic of the film lies in its ability to intertwine brilliant musical performances with personal stories of failures, ambitions, and comebacks. You won't be surprised if, between one song and another, you find yourself laughing (or humming along, admit it). Sure, don't expect a cinematic revolution, but if you enjoy animals singing pop hits while dealing with their self-esteem issues, Sing 2 is your perfect night on the couch.

Buster's dream: Redshore City or bust

Buster Moon is back, and this time he has a clear goal: bring his show to the spotlight in one of the biggest, most glamorous cities in the animal world, Redshore City. Alongside his crew—Rosita the pig, Johnny the gorilla, Ash the rock porcupine, and Gunter the exuberant pig—he plans to stage a show so impressive that it’ll shake the city’s theatres.

But to make it happen, they’ll have to convince Jimmy Crystal, a cold-hearted and ruthless music tycoon. The winning proposal? A performance with legendary rock star Clay Calloway. Too bad Clay left the music scene years ago after a personal tragedy and isn’t keen on making a comeback. Buster’s mission is not only to create an epic show but also to convince the retired rock star to return to the spotlight in style.

Between musical numbers, gags, and a few touching moments, Sing 2 manages to carry its plot without ever slowing down too much. Which, for an animated film, is always good news.

A musical and dream journey: the final verdict

Sing 2 knows exactly what it wants to be: a lighthearted film full of catchy songs and fun moments, designed to entertain both kids and adults. Its narrative structure doesn’t differ much from the first film, which can be seen as both a strength and a weakness.

Visually, the animation is flawless. The vibrant colors and attention to detail make the world of Sing 2 fascinating and engaging. The characters, with their funny expressions and dynamic movements, manage to keep the audience’s attention, even in the more predictable moments of the plot.

The soundtrack, as expected, is the real driving force of the movie. With a mix of pop hits and original tracks, Sing 2 ensures that the audience never gets bored, alternating between pure spectacle and more intimate, reflective scenes. While not all vocal performances are memorable, most of them hit the mark, especially thanks to the contagious energy of the cast.

However, if you’re looking for a film with a deep plot or subtle social commentary, this isn’t the right place. Sing 2 is all about heart, music, and lots of fun. And sometimes, that’s exactly what we need.

Un assaggio imperdibile!

Se vuoi un assaggio visivo, ecco una clip. Guarda ora e lasciati stupire!

A taste you can't miss!

If you're craving a visual bite, here's a clip. Watch it now and prepare to be amazed!

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché ti farà riflettere su come, anche nel mondo degli animali, l’ambizione e i sogni non siano privi di sfide. E poi, chi non ama una buona dose di musica pop e comicità?



Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché, se non sei un fan delle commedie musicali leggere, potrebbe sembrare un po' troppo superficiale. E gli animali parlanti non sono per tutti.

Why I Recommend It

I recommend it because it makes you reflect on how, even in the animal world, ambition and dreams aren’t without challenges. Plus, who doesn’t love a good dose of pop music and comedy?



Why I Don't Recommend It

I don’t recommend it because, if you’re not a fan of light musical comedies, it might feel a bit too superficial. And talking animals aren’t for everyone.

Sing 2: when dreams (almost) come true!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri October 18, 2024


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