homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Why Do We Laugh? Philosophical Dialogues with an AI In this post, we explore the meaning of laughter and whether we can really laugh at everything. An ironic conversation with an AI that makes us reflect on humor and the complications of life. Da "42" ... Intelligenza artificiale
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri La Conferenza: Riunioni aziendali con un tocco di machete" Un ritiro aziendale che si trasforma in un incubo: 'La Conferenza' è un horror con tanto di colleghi antipatici, segreti aziendali e... un assassino che non ha mai sentito parlare di ferie. Benvenuti ... Film Netflix Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Berkeley: Il filosofo che non credeva nei mobili, ma sì nelle idee George Berkeley, il filosofo che ha deciso che la realtà è tutta nella testa. Preparati a scoprire perché quel tavolo che stai usando potrebbe non esistere... ma non provare a sedertici sopra! George ... Anno V Filosofia moderna
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Rome's Walls: Older Than Your Grandma, With More Stories to Tell The Museum of the Walls in Rome: a tour among ancient stones and old battles. Perfect if you want to hear war stories... and if you're a fan of bricks. Dove si trova Where it is located A Museum Betwe... Luoghi da visitare Roma
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Class Struggles: The War Is On! The 20th century was the stage for an epic battle: the poor against the rich. Don’t expect heroes, just people tired of being exploited. Workers vs Everyonei Let’s be honest, the 20th century didn’t s... Anno V Storia Storia contemporanea
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri The Tales of Sevastopol Three stories, three key moments, and a whole lot of poor decisions. Tolstoy doesn’t hold back: from freezing cold trenches to desperate people making desperate choices, The Tales of Sevastopol is her... Libri Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Manos: The Hands of Fate – The Movie So Bad It’ll Make You Appreciate the News If you think bad movies are fun, you haven’t seen Manos: The Hands of Fate yet. A masterpiece of chaos and absurdity that will make you rethink even the films you hate. Why Watching This Movie Is a Un... Film Recensioni Trash
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri God, Philosophy, and Wi-Fi: Surreal Dialogues with an AI What happens when you ask an AI what God is? A surprising dialogue between philosophy and sarcasm. Discover the witty responses of an artificial mind! Da "42" a Skynet: le AI di oggi Ricordi quando la... Filosofia Intelligenza artificiale
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Cobweb: Waiting for the Horror Is Scarier Than the Movie Itself Cobweb promises suspense but leaves you with more questions than chills. If you love horror movies that don’t take themselves too seriously and leave you hanging like a sock with a hole, this one’s fo... Film Horror Netflix Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Between Sheep and Philosophers: English Empirical Idealism and Panlogism Compared What does English empirical idealism have to do with Spinoza and Leibniz's panlogism? Maybe nothing. But just in case, take a look here. Philosophers and sheep included. Empirical Idealists and the Ar... Anno IV Filosofia Filosofia moderna
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Caffarella Park: Where Sheep Graze on Ancient Empires Caffarella Park: your chance to jog between sheep and ruins, because Rome isn't just chaos and monuments, it's also a meadow with a view of centuries past. Dove si trova Caffarella Park: Rome’s secret... Luoghi da visitare Roma
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri 19th Century Global Problems: An Epic Tale of Bad Ideas Explore with irony and sarcasm the disasters of the 19th century, an era where bad decisions reigned supreme. From imperialism to poverty, discover how humanity managed to mess up its own life. Welcom... Anno V Storia Storia contemporanea