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Monks: Not Just Beer and Gregorian Chants

Discover Monasticism Without Dying of Boredom
February 6, 2024 by
Monks: Not Just Beer and Gregorian Chants
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Monks: Not Just Guys in Robes – Discover the Roots of Monasticism Amidst Prayers and Beers.

When the Party's Over: The Birth of Monasticism 

Hey you, yes, you there! Ever wondered how monasticism got started? No? Well, I'm gonna tell you anyway. Picture a world without Netflix and weekends. Tough, right? In this distraction-free scenario, some guys decided worldly life wasn't for them. I'm talking about robe-wearing dudes, not your bar-hopping types.

These pioneers of "solo living" were called monks. Imagine a bunch of guys deciding, "Hey, how about praying all day and working till we drop?" and everyone else going, "Sounds like a genius plan!" Well, that's pretty much how it all began.

Now, don't picture those stone monasteries with echoey corridors you see in movies. Initially, it was more DIY spirituality. It was about finding a quiet corner, maybe a bit hermit-like, and starting to whisper prayers. No choirs, no craft beers, just you and your little slice of heaven.

Let's face it, it sounds like a snooze fest, but there was a certain charm in that "back to basics" vibe. So now, you're prepped for a journey into the world of monasticism. Buckle up your meditation belt; it's gonna be an interesting ride... or at least I hope so!

Monk VIPs: The Big Shots of Solitude

First Steps and Tumbles: Monasticism for History Nerds

So, let's start at the beginning. Not the biblical one, but close. The first monks were kinda like today's nerds, but instead of Star Wars, they had the Gospel. They retreated to places not even Google Maps could find, like deserts and caves, to dedicate themselves to prayer and, I guess, to escape door-to-door salesmen. These guys started popping up around the 3rd century, kicking off a trend that not even Instagram could've predicted. 

The Hermits and the Rockstars of Silence

Enter the rockstars of silence. First up, Saint Anthony the Great. This guy decides to ditch the luxury life to go chat with God in the desert. Think about it, it's like Elon Musk turning into a hermit. Then there's Saint Benedict of Nursia, the DJ of monasticism, who mixed up the Rule of Saint Benedict, a sort of playlist for living monastically without getting too bored. And let's not forget the likes of Saint Basil, Saint Francis, and the gang, who turned monasticism into a global tour.

Now that you know the VIPs of monasticism, you'll almost feel like you've been to an exclusive party, except instead of music, there was silence, and instead of cocktails, prayers. But hey, it's not over yet, keep reading to find out how all this impacts you today. Spoiler: it might not be as dull as it seems.

Monasticism: Not Just an Old Memory

So here we are, at the end of our monastic tour. You've seen how the monks put on their show, with prayers and silences. Now, you might be thinking, "So what? What do I do with all this monk story?" Well, my friend, the answer is simple: inspiration!

See, even if you're not planning to turn your living room into a hermitage or start singing Gregorian chants in the shower, there's something to learn from these robe guys. It's about finding your inner peace, that moment of silence in the daily chaos. In a world where your smartphone never stops ringing, a bit of "monastic spirituality" might be just what you need.

Also, check out their dedication and discipline. These monks didn't mess around when it came to following the rules. If they could see how we snooze our alarms every morning, they'd probably turn in their graves. But here's the moral: if you can grab even a bit of their determination and put it into your heart's project (or your diet), who knows, you might just reach enlightenment... or at least finish that project on time.

So next time you feel overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of modern life, remember our monk friends. Maybe they didn't have Netflix or smartphones, but they knew a thing or two about finding serenity in a chaotic world. And now, back to your hectic life, but maybe try turning off your phone now and then, just to see what happens. Spoiler: it won't explode, I promise!

Why I Recommend It

I suggest delving into monasticism because it's more interesting than you think, word of honor.

Why I Don't Recommend It

Don't delve into monasticism if you need more action and less contemplation.

Monks: Not Just Beer and Gregorian Chants
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri February 6, 2024


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