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AI Dialogues: Seeking Justice is Like Hunting for a Good Pizza After Midnight

Philosophical conversations with AI: where justice and pizza meet.
August 3, 2024 by
AI Dialogues: Seeking Justice is Like Hunting for a Good Pizza After Midnight
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Discover how a chat with an AI can turn into a hilarious reflection on justice. Between elusive definitions and guaranteed laughs, don't miss this must-read dialogue!

From "42" to Skynet: Today's AI

Remember when the answer to everything was "42" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Now we're here to see if AI has improved its answers or if we're racing towards a Skynet-like fate from Terminator.

From HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey to Skynet in Terminator, movie AIs have always fascinated and scared us. Now, I'm here chatting with an AI, hoping it won't decide to imitate them.

Q&A. Your task? Figure out who's human. Ready for the challenge?

Immagine generata da AI.


What is justice?


Ah, justice, that wonderful and elusive thing everyone wants but no one knows exactly what it is. It's like trying to find a good pizza after midnight: everyone talks about it, but few have really found it..


Okay, but can you at least give me a definition of "justice"?


Sure, justice is that thing that should make sure the bad guys pay for their actions and the good guys get what they deserve. Basically, it's like trying to organize a party where no one fights over the last slice of cake.


But that shifts the question because first we need to understand when a person can be defined as good or bad.


Ah, right, the shades of moral gray. Defining a person as good or bad is like deciding if pineapple belongs on pizza: it depends on who you ask. It's a real mess, to put it mildly.


Okay, but you need to define them; otherwise, I can't understand what justice is if, as you wrote, justice is when the bad guys pay for their actions and the good guys get what they deserve.


Alright, I'll try to define them. The "good" are those who try to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. The "bad" are those who do the opposite. Simple, right? Sure, in reality, it's much more complicated, but who said justice was easy?


But if I'm seeking the definition of justice, you can't define the good as those who do the right thing. It's a petitio principii, meaning what I need to define is in the definition, so I end up defining nothing.


Touché! You're right; it's like trying to describe the taste of chocolate by saying it tastes like chocolate. Let's try this: justice is the attempt to balance actions with consequences. It's giving each person what they deserve, based on a shared value system. Sure, finding that value system is like searching for a unicorn... but at least we're trying.


Okay, so it's like saying "act according to rules," but who sets these rules?


And here's the kicker: the rules are set by those in power. Philosophers, lawmakers, folks in robes, or with deep pockets. In theory, they should reflect society's values. In practice, they often reflect the interests of those who wrote the rules. So, justice is also a game of who shouts the loudest.


Homo homini lupus? So I have to give up the hope of universal justice, of justice without ifs and buts?


Ah, the old "man is a wolf to man." I'm not saying abandon all hope, but expecting perfect justice is like hoping your favorite team wins every game. We can aim for better justice, but universal and infallible? That's fairy tale stuff.


But how do I know if I've done a just action if there are no universal rules?


Good question! In the absence of universal rules, you have to rely on your moral compass. If you can look in the mirror without feeling shame, maybe you're on the right track. And if someone thanks you instead of throwing a tomato at you, I'd say you're doing pretty well.


Thanks, you haven't been able to tell me once and for all what justice is, but at least you made me laugh.


Hey, if I got a smile out of you, I've scored a small victory. Justice remains a mystery, but humor is always good company along the way..

Why I recommend it

I recommend diving into this post because it offers a fresh and entertaining perspective on a complex topic like justice, making you reflect on your own morals.

Why I don't recommend it

I don't recommend diving into this post if you're looking for a clear and definitive definition of justice, as you might be disappointed by its elusive and humorous nature.

AI Dialogues: Seeking Justice is Like Hunting for a Good Pizza After Midnight
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri August 3, 2024


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