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Dialogues with AI: Unveiling the Concept of Beauty

How artificial intelligence defines and understands beauty.
July 27, 2024 by
Dialogues with AI: Unveiling the Concept of Beauty
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

What is beauty? A dialogue with AI that explores the concept of beauty through senses, emotions, and subjectivity. 

From "42" to Skynet: Today's AIs 

Remember when the answer to everything was "42" in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Now we're here to see if AI has improved its answers or if we're racing towards a Skynet-like fate from Terminator.

From HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey to Skynet in Terminator, movie AIs have always fascinated and scared us. Now, I'm here chatting with an AI, hoping it won't decide to imitate them.

Questions and answers. Your task? Figure out who’s human. Ready for the challenge?

Immagine generata da AI.


What is beauty?


Beauty is what catches your eye and makes your heart skip a beat. It’s the art of a sunset or the charm of a smile. It’s what makes you say "wow" without knowing why.


So, it's something that involves the senses?


Exactly! Beauty ignites your senses like a perfect song or the smell of freshly baked bread. It engages you and makes you feel alive.


But if it involves the senses, then it’s not something universal, right? What’s beautiful to me might not be beautiful to you.


Bingo! Beauty is a personal experience. What makes your heart race might leave someone else indifferent. It’s like ice cream: there are a thousand flavors because not everyone likes the same thing.


But there must be a general rule for everyone, regardless of personal experience, to experience beauty.


Yes, there is a rule: beauty must touch you deeply. Whether it’s a piece of art, a melody, or a landscape, it has to evoke emotions and connections. It’s the emotional impact that counts, not the specific content.


"Touching deeply" is too generic. When does it touch you deeply?


It touches you deeply when it makes you feel something strong, like joy, nostalgia, wonder, or even sadness. It’s that moment when you feel a connection, a sincere emotion that breaks the routine and makes you feel truly alive.


Fear also makes me feel alive, so is beauty like fear?


Great observation! Fear makes you feel alive but in a different way. Beauty elevates and enriches, while fear triggers survival. Both are powerful, but beauty connects you with the world, while fear protects you from it.


Knowledge also connects you with the world, making you feel at home in it, so is beauty like knowledge?


Yes, beauty and knowledge have something in common. Both open your eyes, making you see the world from a new perspective. Beauty touches your senses and emotions, while knowledge enriches your mind. Both make you feel more connected and aware of the world around you.


Love also makes me feel connected to the world. When I do an act of love, I feel part of the world, so is beauty like love?


Absolutely! Beauty and love are closely linked. Both make you feel connected, elevated, and part of something bigger. Beauty awakens the senses, while love nourishes the soul. Both make the world a better and brighter place.


Ok, so sum up what we've said so far and try to give me a new definition of beauty.


Beauty is a sensory and emotional experience that connects you deeply to the world. It’s personal and varies from person to person, touching the heartstrings like joy, wonder, and nostalgia. Beauty is like love and knowledge: it elevates, enriches, and makes you feel part of something greater.


Thank you..


You're welcome! If you have more questions or need further assistance, I’m here to help. Happy writing for your blog!

Why I recommend it

I recommend diving into this post because it offers a new perspective on beauty, exploring how emotions and personal experiences shape our concept of beauty. Discover how beauty can enrich your daily life!

Why I don't recommend it

I don't recommend delving into this post because it might make you overthink what beauty really means, questioning your perceptions and personal tastes. If you prefer to keep a simple view and not complicate your life, better skip it!

Dialogues with AI: Unveiling the Concept of Beauty
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri July 27, 2024


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