How to overcome writer’s block

How to overcome writer’s block

You know that feeling when you sit in front of a blank page and suddenly feel an urgent need to clean the house, wash the dog, or maybe pick up mandolin lessons? Welcome to writer's block, the sworn enemy of every aspiring author. But fear not! In this lesson, I’ll take you on a hilarious journey through the depths of creative paralysis, where you’ll discover that even your fear of failure can become your greatest muse... if you know how to handle it.

Subtitles to the Rescue

The course is in Italian, but don’t panic: the videos come with English subtitles. Yes, subtitles—those little letters at the bottom of the screen that save you when your "Italian" consists of knowing how to order pizza and muttering ciao with a questionable accent. So, buckle up, Sherlock, and let the subtitles do the heavy lifting while you pretend you're mastering Italian like a native! Buona fortuna (Good Luck) .

Responsible Alessandro Liggieri
Last Update 09/10/2024
Completion Time 53 minutes
Members 3
Basic Narratologia


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