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The Ancient Pharmacy of Rome: More History, Fewer Tourists, Please!

Unveiling the Hidden Gem of Santa Maria della Scala - No, It's Not a Bar!
February 21, 2024 by
The Ancient Pharmacy of Rome: More History, Fewer Tourists, Please!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Join me on a sarcastic journey to the Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala, where history meets irony in Rome.

Where the Ancient Meets the Sarcastic

In the beating heart of Rome, where tourists wander in search of pizzas and selfies, a hidden gem many overlook resides: The Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala. This isn't your typical tourist-trap next to the Colosseum, oh no! It's more like that restaurant you stumble upon and then brag to your friends about discovering.

As you cross the threshold, you might expect to find an old man with thick glasses mixing potions in a cauldron, but instead, you find yourself in a space seemingly frozen in time. The walls are a living collage of styles - a bit of Renaissance, a dash of Baroque, and a touch of "what was I thinking when I added this?" It's as if the architect started with one idea and then, halfway through, decided to wing it.

Wandering among the shelves, you see ceramic pots that might contain magical potions or, more likely, headache powder from the 1700s. And then there are the books - oh, the books! Yellowed pages filled with writing no one reads anymore because, honestly, who can still read that handwriting? It's a place that makes you feel like you're peeking into a closet full of secrets, where every object has a story to tell, probably starting with "Once upon a time..."

The Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala is a corner of Rome that makes you ask, "Why aren't there more places like this?" Then you remember we live in an era of neon-lit pharmacies and shake your head, thinking about how much more stylish the friars of the past were.

A Dip into the Past with a Smile

The Beginning: When Pharmacies Were Cool

Picture Rome, a bunch of years ago, when pharmacies were more than just a place to grab aspirin. The Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala was born in an era when people believed more in leeches than doctors. It was founded by monks who probably thought a pinch of faith could cure better than modern medicine. Ah, the good old times!

Evolution: Herbs, Potions, and... Magic?

As years passed, our pharmacy evolved. Not just herbs and ointments, but also potions that make you think of a crossover between an episode of "Breaking Bad" and a Harry Potter book. And no, I'm not talking about drugs, but remedies that people back then seriously used. Want to cure a headache? Here's a magic potion that probably made you forget your name.

The Return: Modern, but Not Too Much

Fast forward to the present (or almost). The Ancient Pharmacy is no longer a hotspot for herb and potion lovers, but a museum. And not a boring museum where you can't touch anything. Here you can almost hear the monks of the past whispering, "Hey, look, that was our aspirin from the 1500s!" It's a place where every shelf has a story, and if you listen closely, you might even hear the monks laughing at your modern medicine.

Stories Not Even Harry Potter Could Make Up

At the Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala, every shelf, every pot, every dusty page has a story to tell. And these stories are so incredible that they make you think, "Really? Or is it just another one of Rome's jokes?"

The Miraculous Ointment (that maybe wasn't)

Once, it's said the pharmacy had an ointment so powerful it could cure... well, pretty much everything. Headaches, knee pain, broken hearts, mid-life crises. Legend has it that it was so effective that even nobles from half of Europe came to Rome just for it. Then someone discovered it was just olive oil with some herbs. I hope at least it was extra virgin.

The Monk and the Alchemist

There was a monk, or so they say, who was more into alchemy than pharmacy. He spent nights mixing substances, trying to turn lead into gold. Spoiler: he never succeeded. But hey, at least he gave the pharmacy an atmosphere like a Hogwarts laboratory, so it wasn't a total failure.

The Pharmacist's Ghost

And finally, no good story is complete without an old ghost. Rumor has it that at night, when the lights are off and the tourists are in bed, the ghost of an ancient pharmacist wanders the shelves. Maybe he's searching for the lost recipe for that miraculous ointment, or maybe it's just a rat. Who can tell? This is Rome, where even ghosts have more style.

In conclusion, the Ancient Pharmacy isn't just a place of history and architecture, but also a treasure trove of stories and legends that make you smile and think, "Only in Rome!"

For Lovers of the Beautiful and the Unusual

Let's give a rating, shall we? I'd say a solid 9 out of 10. Why not 10? Well, because perfection is boring and a little mystery never hurts. The Ancient Pharmacy envelops you in an atmosphere that makes you feel like you're strolling through a mystery novel, where every corner might hide a revelation or, you know, an old monk ghost.

It's a journey through time without needing a time machine (which, by the way, would have been really out of place among those shelves). Every object, every pot, every book seems to tell a story. And we're not talking about boring stories your grandma used to tell. No, these are stories that could have come from the pen of an author with a great imagination and a glass of wine in hand.

In short, if you love history, art, and have a sense of humor that goes beyond mother-in-law jokes, the Ancient Pharmacy of Santa Maria della Scala is a place you must absolutely visit. It leaves you with a sense of wonder that you thought you had lost as a child. And that's no small feat in a world where wonder is often hidden behind a screen.

Why I Recommend It

If you have a soft spot for history, art, and good old sarcasm, this place is for you. It's a corner of Rome that whispers stories to you instead of shouting at you like selfie stick vendors. 

Why I Don't Recommend It

If you're only looking for 'Instagrammable' places and don't care about history, maybe the Ancient Pharmacy is not for you. Here beauty is subtle and requires a keen eye. 

The Ancient Pharmacy of Rome: More History, Fewer Tourists, Please!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri February 21, 2024


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