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The Three-Body Problem: Cosmic Chaos and Human Flaws

A Space Journey That'll Make You Reevaluate Your Living Room.
October 28, 2024 by
The Three-Body Problem: Cosmic Chaos and Human Flaws
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

A scientific reflection on human limits, blended with a narrative that mixes physics and philosophy. Is it worth reading? Find out here.

A Signal from Space: The Beginning of the End?

The plot of The Three-Body Problem starts in China during the Cultural Revolution, when a series of mysterious signals from space sets in motion events that challenge human understanding. The contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, the Trisolarans, forces humanity to face unprecedented ethical and scientific decisions. What makes the novel unique is its ability to intertwine scientific realism with philosophical questions about the fate of the human race. Without spoiling the ending, I can tell you that this story will leave you thinking deeply about our weaknesses and the implications of our choices.

A Novel Between Science and Paranoia

Liu Cixin’s novel stands out for its audacious blend of science, philosophy, and politics. The author explores complex themes such as the meaning of existence and the destiny of humanity through the lens of theoretical physics, particularly the famous “three-body problem” in celestial mechanics. Although the narrative pace may seem slow at first, the novel's structure is solid and well-crafted. Liu's writing style is detached, almost impersonal, which reinforces the sense of inevitability that pervades the story. However, some characters lack depth, leaving a coldness in human interactions. The very concept of interaction between humans and aliens becomes a reflection on our inability to collaborate and understand the true essence of communication. In short, this isn’t a book for those looking for light space adventure: it requires patience and a certain inclination for philosophical speculation.

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché riflette sui difetti umani, come l’incapacità di collaborare o il desiderio di autodistruzione. La sua lente scientifica è affascinante, e ti farà riflettere sulla nostra condizione.



Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché potrebbe risultare troppo lento e cerebrale. Se cerchi un racconto con più azione o empatia verso i personaggi, potrebbe deluderti.

Why I Recommend It

I recommend it because it reflects on human flaws, like the inability to collaborate or the desire for self-destruction. Its scientific perspective is fascinating, and it will make you reflect on our condition.



Why I Don't Recommend It

I don’t recommend it because it might feel too slow and cerebral. If you’re looking for a story with more action or empathy towards the characters, it might disappoint you.

The Three-Body Problem: Cosmic Chaos and Human Flaws
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri October 28, 2024


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