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Inside Out 2: Emotions are back… and they’ve got pimples!

Growing up is hard. Just ask the emotions.
October 11, 2024 by
Inside Out 2: Emotions are back… and they’ve got pimples!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

"Inside Out 2" takes us back inside Riley's head, where her emotions face their worst nightmare: adolescence. Spoiler: it’s not going well for anyone. A hilarious chaos of hormones, drama, and sad playlists that will make you laugh and think.

When emotions face puberty (and it’s not pretty)

Welcome to the wonderful world of adolescence, where everything is complicated, pointless, and incredibly embarrassing. If you thought Riley's childhood was a mess in "Inside Out" (and it was), brace yourself for what happens when her emotions are thrown into the world of absurd crushes, social media disasters, and, of course, raging hormones.

Riley is no longer the little girl trying to survive a move and a new life. Now, she’s facing her worst nightmare: puberty. And she’s not alone. Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, and Fear are back, but this time they have to deal with new arrivals like Anxiety and Insecurity, who do nothing but make things worse. Joy, the sunny leader from the first film, is now more stressed out than a tax accountant in April. Sadness? Well, Sadness is in her natural habitat, curled up with a blanket and a never-ending playlist of 90s heartbreak songs. And Anger? He’s discovered social media, and let’s just say the internet is giving him plenty of fuel to burn.

The emotions are getting a serious beating (and it’s kind of fun to watch)

Remember that time in your life when everything was a drama? When every little thing was either the best day ever or the end of the world, with no in-between? Welcome to Riley’s adolescence, where chaos is the rule, and emotions are barely holding it together (spoiler: they’re not).

"Inside Out 2" takes our beloved characters into a territory we all know too well but would rather forget: the teenage years. Everything is amplified, everything is confusing, and not even the emotions themselves know what’s going on. Anxiety and Insecurity make their grand entrance as the new queens of the emotional ball, throwing all of Riley’s decisions into turmoil. Joy, always the optimist, is desperately trying to keep it together, but it’s a bit like trying to organize a sock drawer during a tornado. Disgust is fighting a losing battle against teenage fashion trends, and Anger? Well, Anger is busy yelling at the Wi-Fi for being too slow.

The scenes you’ll see are a perfect representation of the emotional madness of those years. One minute, Riley feels on top of the world, and the next, she’s the worst human being ever to walk the planet. And meanwhile, inside her head, the emotions are fighting over which buttons to push. There’s a memorable sequence where Riley has to decide whether to send a message to the boy she likes. All the emotions hold an emergency meeting, and the result? A complete disaster, of course.

No spoiler, giuro

Riley is growing up. We got that. And with growing up comes drama. The plot of "Inside Out 2" focuses on how Riley’s emotions adapt to this new phase of life: adolescence. It’s not an easy journey, and the emotions know it. Not only do they have to learn how to deal with new situations like first loves, fights with parents, and existential doubts, but they also have to handle the new arrivals at headquarters: Anxiety and Insecurity.

The story follows Riley as she tries to find balance in the middle of all the chaos, while her emotions struggle to keep her from losing it entirely (although, let’s face it, they might be the ones causing most of her problems). More than once, you’ll find yourself laughing at the tragicomedy of it all, especially when you see how the emotions desperately try to make sense of situations that, let’s be honest, are just everyday teenage struggles.

Growing up sucks (but in a fun way)

"Inside Out 2" not only manages to capture the magic of the first film but also enriches it with an extra dose of emotional chaos. Adolescence, with all its drama and absurdity, is explored with the wit and sensitivity that only Pixar can deliver. The emotions have never been more relatable, and every moment of the film perfectly reflects what we’ve all experienced or are currently experiencing: the confusing and wonderful disaster of growing up.

Visually, the film is another animation masterpiece, with vibrant colors and stunning graphics that mirror the mental chaos of the protagonist. But the real strength of the movie, as always, lies in its ability to speak to both children and adults. If you’re an adult, you’ll find yourself laughing at your own teenage experiences, maybe with a touch of nostalgia. If you’re still in that dark era... well, good luck.

Un assaggio imperdibile!

Se vuoi un assaggio visivo, ecco una clip. Guarda ora e lasciati stupire!

A taste you can't miss!

If you're craving a visual bite, here's a clip. Watch it now and prepare to be amazed!

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché ti farà vedere il lato comico del caos emotivo che tutti abbiamo affrontato da adolescenti. E alla fine, ti ricorderai che crescere non è stato solo un disastro, ma anche un'esperienza divertente (col senno di poi).



Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio se sei nel pieno della tua adolescenza e stai cercando risposte. Questo film non te le darà. Anzi, potrebbe solo farti sentire ancora più confuso (ma almeno riderai).

Why I Recommend It

I recommend it because it will show you the funny side of the emotional chaos that we’ve all faced as teenagers. And in the end, you’ll remember that growing up wasn’t just a disaster – it was also kind of fun (in hindsight).



Why I Don't Recommend It

TI don’t recommend it if you’re in the middle of your teenage years and looking for answers. This movie won’t give them to you. In fact, it might just make you feel even more confused (but at least you’ll laugh).

Inside Out 2: Emotions are back… and they’ve got pimples!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri October 11, 2024


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