homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Sophists: Word Wizards or Ancient Con Artists? Ever thought of the sophists as history's first spin doctors? This quick overview takes you right into the heart of their contentious world. Welcome to the Sophists' Circus: Word Artists or Philosophi...
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Presocratic Atomism: Science Before Selfies! Dive into Presocratic Atomism: A Hilarious Adventure with Philosophers Playing Hide and Seek with the Invisible. Before Science Got Boring: The Joy of Atomism Ah, Presocratic Atomism! Step back in tim... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Nature Unmasked: The Philosophical Secrets of Ye Olden Times Dive into Pre-Socratic Wisdom: An Ironic and Enlightening Journey into Nature's Secrets. Welcome to the Exclusive Club of Ancient Thinkers Hey there, wisdom lover or just a couch-curious! Ready for a ... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Parmenides: Playing Mind Games Dive into the world of Parmenides, where being is and non-being isn't. Confused? Perfect, that's just the beginning! Il filosofo che sa tutto L'Essere è, il non-Essere non è Il viaggio è impossibile I... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Heraclitus: The Philosopher Who Couldn't Stand Still Slide into Heraclitus's philosophical river, where even the water chuckles at constancy. A journey through fire, flux, and philosophy! A Guy Who Just Couldn't Keep His Hands to Himself Alright, philos... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Thales: The Philosopher Who Forgot to Learn Swimming Discover how Thales, with one foot in the tub and the other in philosophy, teaches us today not to take water (or life) too seriously. A plunge between philosophy and humidity! Hey, buddy! Yes, you, w... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri When Even Thinking Was Cool Discover How Greek Philosophy Started It All: From the Sharp-witted Thales to Zeno's Paradoxes, A Mind-Blowing Journey of Thought! Greek Philosophy The First Coffee Break in History Hey there! Ever wo... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica