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Italian vs European Philosophy: Who Wins?

Croce, Gentile, and the Battle of Ideas.
October 24, 2024 by
Italian vs European Philosophy: Who Wins?
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Italy and Europe: who checkmated whom in the 20th century? Philosophers like Croce, Gentile, Heidegger, and Sartre played an intellectual chess game filled with wins and losses.

Italy and Europe: Ideas in Dialogue

In the 20th century, Italian and European philosophy collided and influenced each other in an ongoing dialogue. On one side, you had Croce and Gentile, on the other, Heidegger, Sartre, and Husserl. This period was marked by movements such as Italian neoidealism and French existentialism, which clashed against the backdrop of world wars and political change. Italy tried to assert its philosophical tradition, but Europe wasn’t giving in easily. Croce and Gentile, the main figures of Italian thought, were often involved in political and cultural debates, while Europe focused on existence and individual freedom.

Idealism vs Existentialism

Italian idealism experienced moments of crisis and rethinking under the influence of European existentialism and neopositivism. During fascism, Croce and Gentile tried to defend the supremacy of Italian thought, but the intellectual landscape was shifting. Meanwhile, in France, Sartre was reflecting on individual freedom and responsibility, while Husserl and Heidegger revolutionized the concept of being. This philosophical debate drew a clear line between two ways of thinking but also allowed for mutual enrichment.


Croce and Gentile lead neoidealism, engaging with European thinkers.


Fascism brings Italian idealism into crisis.


Influence of existentialism and neopositivism on Italian thought.


Convergence between Italian and European thought, focusing on language and semantics.

Who Really Won?

In this philosophical battle, there was no clear winner. Italy learned from Europe and vice versa. It was a constant dialogue that enriched both traditions. In the end, we can only say that the game is still ongoing, with new challenges and questions emerging.

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché questa storia di intellettuali pieni di difetti umani ti farà riflettere su quanto anche le menti più brillanti possano essere distratte dall’ego.


Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio se pensi che la filosofia possa davvero risolvere i problemi del mondo. Qui si parla di dubbi e contraddizioni, non di soluzioni.

Why I recommend IT

I recommend it because this story of intellectuals full of human flaws will make you reflect on how even the brightest minds can be distracted by ego.

Why I Don't Recommend IT

I don’t recommend it if you think philosophy can really solve the world’s problems. This is about doubts and contradictions, not solutions.

Italian vs European Philosophy: Who Wins?
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri October 24, 2024


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