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David Hume: The Man Who Makes You Doubt Even Your Favorite Sandwich

Spoiler: If you think you know something, Hume will make you rethink that".
September 26, 2024 by
David Hume: The Man Who Makes You Doubt Even Your Favorite Sandwich
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

David Hume, the philosopher who questioned everything, even the logic behind your morning coffee. Not sure if you want to read this post? Neither would Hume.

Live by doubt, die by Hume

You're sitting there, feeling in control of your life, your decisions, your pizza lunch. Then along comes David Hume, with his imaginary smile, and says, "Are you sure you know anything?" And suddenly, everything crumbles: your conviction, the certainty that the sun will rise tomorrow, and even your enthusiasm for tiramisu. Hume wasn’t satisfied living in a world where things just happened. He wanted to know why. Spoiler: he didn’t always find the answer.

A Scottish philosopher of the 18th century, Hume was a master in the art of doubt and a champion at confusing even the brightest minds. Think of him as that friend who interrupts you every time you say something with certainty, asking, "But are you really sure?" Eventually, you come to love him anyway, even though he’s ruined your sense of certainty. Yes, I’m talking about David Hume, the philosopher who turned doubt into an art form and revolutionized the way we think... while also ruining peaceful dinners among friends.

The timeline of a philosopher who loved confusing people

David Hume wasn’t born with the gift of doubt: he cultivated it over time. Let’s take a look at the key moments in his philosophical life:

Baby David is born

And immediately the question arises: "But was he really born? Or is it just a perception of reality?"

Publishes "A Treatise of Human Nature"

Hume introduces us to his love for the question we all hate: "How do you know it's true?" Suddenly, bread and wine are no longer just bread and wine, but questionable sensory experiences.

"An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" shakes the philosophical world

Hume asserts that causality, that thing we take for granted like "I push the door, the door opens", might just be an illusion. Thanks, David, now every door is a riddle.

Publishes "The Natural History of Religion"

Here, Hume raises the stakes, questioning religion, miracles, and why Wi-Fi never works when you need it.

Hume dies, but leaves a philosophical legacy that will give us headaches for centuries

Like a good wine that gets better with time, Hume’s doubts continue to ferment in the minds of anyone brave enough to read him.

Why Hume makes you doubt even your cat"

David Hume left us with a philosophy that never lets you fully relax. Are you sure your chair really exists? Or maybe it's just a perception, a chain of sensations? Every certainty dissolves under Hume’s meticulous examination. So, as you close the book or turn off the screen, you’re left with one thought: "What if everything I just read was only an illusion?" Well done, David. Mission accomplished.

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché Hume ti insegna che la nostra arroganza di "sapere tutto" è, in realtà, la nostra più grande debolezza. Se vuoi metterti alla prova e farti domande scomode sui difetti umani (come il nostro bisogno di certezze), Hume è la persona che fa per te.

Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché potrebbe farti dubitare anche delle cose più banali, tipo il perché hai deciso di leggere un post su Hume alle due di notte. E se non è reale?

Why I recommend IT

I recommend it because Hume teaches us that our arrogance of "knowing everything" is, in reality, our greatest weakness. If you want to challenge yourself and ask uncomfortable questions about human flaws (like our need for certainty), Hume is your guy.

Why I Don't Recommend IT

I don’t recommend it because it might make you doubt even the simplest things, like why you decided to read a post about Hume at 2 AM. And if it's not real? 

David Hume: The Man Who Makes You Doubt Even Your Favorite Sandwich
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri September 26, 2024


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