Alexandria: Not Just a Giant Library

Discover how a dusty old town shaped Western thought.
May 30, 2024 by
Alexandria: Not Just a Giant Library
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

A Quick Dive into the City That Did More for Philosophy Than Your Morning Coffee Does for Your Tolerance of Others.

Alexandria: Where Philosophers Were Trending Before the Internet 

Welcome to Alexandria, the wonder city where philosophers made history while you're still trying to figure out how Twitter works. Imagine a place where tunics were the official attire and daily wisdom was stronger than espresso. Here, great minds like Euclid and Plotinus traded quips (and occasionally insults) about the mysteries of the universe, proving that the true contact sport was philosophical debate.

It wasn't just a giant library; it was the ring, the stage, and the lab all rolled into one. A place where you could stumble into a discussion on being and nothingness while picking up your bread. Ah, Alexandria! Where ideas didn't just fly; they sometimes collided mid-air with spectacular explosions of genius.

Ever wonder where all those deep quotes people post on Instagram come from? Probably from a place much like Alexandria. Only here, instead of "likes," you'd probably get a scroll in response.

VIP Philosophers of Alexandria: Stars Before Instagram

Imagine walking the dusty streets of Alexandria, where you could bump into a genius at every corner. Yes, here the term "influencer" had a completely different meaning. It was the meeting place for the brightest minds of the Mediterranean, a true hotspot of ancient wisdom.

Starting with the great Euclid, not just a mathematician, but the pioneer who shaped geometry as we know it. His work "Elements" spread like wildfire, becoming the standard textbook for centuries. Think of him as the first viral content creator, but instead of fun videos, he distributed theorems that defined infinity and beyond.

Then there's the legendary Eratosthenes, the man who played with shadows and sticks and concluded the Earth's circumference with astonishing accuracy. If he were alive today, he'd probably have his own science show on YouTube, performing crazy experiments that leave the audience wondering, "How the heck does he do it?"

And we can't forget the brilliant Hypatia, the philosopher who challenged the gender boundaries of her time. Astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher, Hypatia was a beacon of erudition. She led discussions on astronomy, taught complex mathematics, and philosophized about existence, all while managing circles of students and intellectuals who hung on her every word as if it were the latest tweet.

Lastly, the mysterious Plotinus, a philosopher who took the concept of introspection to new astral levels. His theories on the soul and the One not only inspired subsequent generations but practically launched the fashion of existential thought. With Plotinus, philosophy wasn't just a way of thinking; it was a lifestyle.

These were the titans of thought in Alexandria, figures who turned every debate into a show, every lesson into a revelation. They didn't need social media to be recognized as icons; their ideas were enough to immortalize them. In an era without the internet, without cell phones, these were the real influencers, whose 'posts' were written on papyrus and discussed in the agoras, leaving an indelible imprint on the sands of time.

Not Just a Name on the Map, But an Icon of Wisdom

So, after shaking the ancient world with an endless barrage of genius, what's left of Alexandria? Well, more than you might think. It wasn't just a place where philosophers gathered to debate whether the universe was more like a donut or a sandwich (though that would have been interesting). It was, and in a sense still is, a powerful symbol of human capacity to reason, debate, and most importantly, connect through ideas.

This city was not only a forge of revolutionary thoughts but also a melting pot where cultures, ideas, and people from all known worlds mixed. The legacy of Alexandria lives on in textbooks, sure, but also in the way we embrace diversity of thought and open discussion today. It's a reminder that no matter how many new gadgets we invent or how many apps we develop, at the heart of our culture will always be the desire to know more, to be wiser.

So, next time you feel a bit philosophical while discussing deep issues with friends, remember that you're participating in a tradition as ancient as Alexandria. And who knows? Perhaps in the distant future, some AI will blog about us, wondering if we ever resolved that debate on the shape of the universe. Spoiler: probably not, but we'll keep trying, because that's what we do.

Why I Recommend It

Delve into the importance of Alexandria because, let's face it, a bit of ancient wisdom never hurt anyone. Except maybe Socrates.

Why I Might Not Recommend It

Dig too deep into Alexandria and you might end up with more questions than answers. And who needs that?

Alexandria: Not Just a Giant Library
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri May 30, 2024


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