homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Rome: More Than Just a Hole in the Wall Discovering Rome through a hole? Absolutely, if the view takes your breath away. The View You Didn't Expect Alright, get comfy and picture this: you're wandering the streets of Rome, the sun warming y...
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Empire with a Twist: Medieval Oddities Unleashed Uncover the 'holiest' empire of them all, where kings clashed with crowns and scrolls. A journey to the Middle Ages that will leave you gobsmacked! Imperial Curiosity Hey there, couch adventurers and ... Anno III Storia Storia medievale
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri American Sniper: The Sad Warrior with a Spot-On Aim? In Eastwood's film, the aim is true but the heart falters. A sniper caught between war and family. Discover the review on Homo Erectus! A hero or just an ordinary man? The story behind the scope Get c... Film Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Socrates: The Sandal-less Guru In a nutshell, Socrates was the guy who questioned everything. Like, literally everything. Socrates: Your New Best Philosophical Friend Hop on the philosophy train, destination: Socrates! I get it, yo... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Socrates Didn't Know: Breathtaking View from Piazzale Socrate Discover Rome from Above: A View Not Even Socrates Saw at Piazzale Socrate's Belvedere. Socrates had no clue: Stylish Viewing in Rome Tucked away in Rome's streets, like a pearl in a slightly dusty oy... Luoghi da visitare Roma
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri The Middle Ages and Its Papacy: A Tale You Won't Believe Time-Travel with Us: Unbelievable Papal Stories from the Middle Ages Get ready for a historical adventure that'll leave your jaw on the floor. The Papacy in the Middle Ages: Not Just a Tale of Faith W... Anno III Storia Storia medievale
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri March 1st, 1953: Stalin and His 'Achy-Breaky Heart' That Changed the Game The day the USSR lost its 'daddy': Stalin's heart attack and how it transformed the fate of a superpower. Stalin and his whimsical heart: a journey into the least ordinary day Hey you, yes you, sittin... Accadde oggi Storia
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Manzini's Elp: The Art of Baring the Soul In 'Elp' by Antonio Manzini, sarcasm and introspection blend, unraveling the complexities of the human soul. Intrigues and Laughter in an Upside-Down World Dive into the bizarre universe of Antonio Ma... Libri Recensioni
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Presocratic Naturalism: When 'Everything is Water' Just Doesn't Cut It for Explaining the Universe Dive In (Literally, Think Thales) to the Insufficiency of Presocratic Naturalism to Grasp Being. An Ironic Journey into Philosophy that'll make you say: 'Did they really think that?' When Presocratic ... Anno III Filosofia Filosofia antica
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Books and Mysteries: The Incredible Adventure of the Ancient Cascianelli Bookstore In a tiny alley in Rome, the Ancient Cascianelli Bookstore awaits, a realm where each book has its own story to tell. Aladdin's Hidden Cave Imagine strolling through Rome, munching on pizza and lickin...
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Charlemagne: the Craftsman of Medieval Europe Believe It or Not: Charlemagne, the Dude Who Redrew Europe's Map Without Even a GPS. An Emperor Beyond Legend: Charlemagne and His Times Picture a guy who seems like a mash-up between a snooze-fest hi... Anno III Storia Storia medievale
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri Ada d'Adamo: More Revolutionary Than a Chocolate-Only Diet. With 'Like Thin Air', Ada D'Adamo achieves what not even your extra-strong morning coffee can: keep you awake and hooked. A plot so gripping you might want to marry it The plot of 'Like Thin Air', oh ... Libri Recensioni