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"World War II: How Humanity Decided to Push the Limits

The war that forever changed the course of history.
October 22, 2024 by
"World War II: How Humanity Decided to Push the Limits
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Discover World War II, a conflict that involved the whole world, radically changing nations, cultures, and human destinies. We analyze its causes, key events, and devastating consequences.

Why Did We Decide to Blow Everything Up?

World War II, let’s be honest, is the conflict that reminded us how incredibly good humans are at destroying themselves. From 1939 to 1945, the world witnessed a series of events that seemed straight out of a disaster movie—except, unfortunately, they were all too real. It was like someone decided to play Risk, but with actual people. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, and Roosevelt found themselves playing the most brutal game in human history, each with their own worldview and ego to match the destruction they’d cause.

But how did we get here? What led the world to the edge of the abyss? Let’s take a dive into the past and see how humanity managed to create the most devastating conflict in its history.

The Major Players of a Global Tragedy

Let’s start with the main actors in this incredible global farce: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Emperor Hirohito. Each of them had a key role in the world’s chessboard, and none of them seemed willing to give an inch. If you put them together in a room, the only certainty is that something would blow up sooner or later.

Adolf Hitler – The Failed Painter Who Redrew Europe

The Führer, with his megalomania and belief that he was the reincarnation of a Roman emperor, decided to turn Europe into a playground for Germany. The invasion of Poland in 1939 was just the beginning of a domino effect that toppled nations and left millions dead.

Joseph Stalin – The Comrade Who Didn't Want to Share

Stalin wasn’t exactly the sharing type. His iron grip on the Soviet Union and the terror he unleashed within his own borders were just the prelude to his role in World War II. And when he signed the non-aggression pact with Hitler, well, no one saw that coming... until he inevitably betrayed it.

Winston Churchill – The Bulldog That Wouldn't Back Down

With a cigar in his mouth and a booming voice, Churchill stood up to Hitler. His famous “We will never surrender” speech became the symbol of British resistance. With a glass of whiskey in one hand and Europe’s fate in the other, Churchill did everything humanly possible to counter the Nazi threat.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt – The Ally Across the Ocean

At first, America didn’t want to get involved. Too far away, too complicated, too European. Then, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese decided to bomb Pearl Harbor. After that, Roosevelt not only decided to enter the war but also to lead the free world. The rest is history.

Hirohito – The Divine Emperor Who Came Down to Earth with Bombs

Japan, under Emperor Hirohito’s command, believed it had a divine mission. Attacking the United States and colonizing much of Asia was its way of joining the game, but it didn’t end well. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are tragic proof of that.

Poland in Check

Hitler invades Poland, officially starting World War II. A notable beginning to global chaos.

Pearl Harbor

Japan’s attack on the U.S. brings Roosevelt into the war, pulling America into the conflict.

Turning Point at Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad marks one of Hitler’s first major defeats. The beginning of the end.


The Allies’ invasion of Normandy marks the beginning of the liberation of Western Europe.

The War Ends, But Destruction Remains 

After the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan surrenders. World War II ends, but its effects will linger for decades.

Did We Learn Anything?

After six years of conflict, the world emerged from World War II battered, but with a new understanding: destruction is not the answer. More than 70 million people lost their lives, and many of the nations involved ended up morally and economically devastated. But, as often happens in history, it’s from the rubble that the most solid bridges are built.

The United Nations was created to prevent another massacre of this scale. Europe began its long path of reconstruction, culminating in the formation of the European Union, while the United States emerged as a global superpower, influencing the fate of the entire world. And humanity, well, took a break... at least until the next crisis.

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché la seconda guerra mondiale è il più grande esempio di come i difetti umani — orgoglio, ambizione e sete di potere — possano portare a disastri di proporzioni epiche. Capire come siamo arrivati a quel punto può aiutarti a riflettere su quanto sia importante tenere a bada il nostro lato oscuro.

Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché rivivere la seconda guerra mondiale potrebbe farti perdere fiducia nell’umanità. Tra tradimenti, massacri e bombe atomiche, non è proprio una lettura leggera. Se stai cercando una storia felice, meglio evitare.

Why I recommend IT

I recommend it because World War II is the greatest example of how human flaws—pride, ambition, and lust for power—can lead to disasters of epic proportions. Understanding how we got there might help you reflect on how important it is to keep our darker side in check.

Why I Don't Recommend IT

I don’t recommend it because reliving World War II could make you lose faith in humanity. Between betrayals, massacres, and atomic bombs, it’s not exactly a light read. If you’re looking for a happy story, better skip it.

"World War II: How Humanity Decided to Push the Limits
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri October 22, 2024


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