Metaphysics and Neoplatonism: inside Plotinus' mind

How religious metaphysics made Plotinus' Neoplatonism a philosophical bombshell.
June 6, 2024 by
Metaphysics and Neoplatonism: inside Plotinus' mind
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Scopri il mix esplosivo di metafisica religiosa e neoplatonismo di Plotino. Un viaggio che ti farà rivalutare ogni singolo pensiero. Non puoi perdertelo! 

Plotinus: the philosopher who made angels dance

If you've ever wondered how ancient philosophy influenced modern thought, you're in the right place. Today, we're talking about Plotinus, the master of Neoplatonism, and how his religious metaphysics shaped centuries of philosophical thought. Grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and prepare for a journey through time that will make you see the world with new eyes.

Imagine being in one of those Roman days, sipping coffee in a bar where the waiter has decided to ignore you. There you are, in between sips, trying to figure out how ancient philosophy shaped modern thinking. Welcome to the world of Plotinus, the guru of Neoplatonism. Take a seat (if the waiter lets you), relax, and get ready for a mental journey that will make you see the world like never before.

Plotinus wasn't your typical dusty library philosopher. No, he was the kind of guy who made you see the divine in everything. For him, reality wasn't just what you see with your eyes (thankfully, since he could never find his glasses). His idea? There's a supreme "One" from which everything derives. And we're not talking about your local bar’s "One." This One is the essence of everything, the prime cause, the big boss of the universe.

But wait, there's more! Plotinus put together a philosophical system that makes IKEA instruction manuals look like a walk in the park. The One emanates the Intellect, which then emanates the Soul. Kind of like a family tree, but with more mysticism and fewer arguments about who brings the wine to Christmas dinner.

And if you think that's all, you're wrong. Plotinus believed that the human soul could reunite with the One through contemplation and virtue. Basically, if you concentrate hard enough, you could have a conversation with the essence of the universe. Not a bad goal for a Sunday afternoon, right?

So, if you find yourself in Rome with some free time and a waiter who won't serve you, why not dive into the fascinating mind of Plotinus? You'll discover that philosophy can be more intriguing and fun than you ever thought. And maybe, after all this, the waiter will finally bring you your coffee.

How Plotinus Mixed Philosophy and Spirituality into a Divine Drink 

When we talk about Plotinus, we're talking about a true mixologist of philosophy. This guy took ingredients from Plato, a bit of Aristotle, and shook them together with a touch of mysticism to create the ultimate philosophical cocktail: religious metaphysics.

Imagine being at the favorite bar of ancient philosophers. There's Plato with his glass of perfect ideas, Aristotle with his scotch of pure logic, and in the corner, our friend Plotinus, mixing a drink that makes angels dance. His recipe? Combine the One, the Intellect, and the Soul in a cocktail shaker, shake well, and you get a vision of the universe that makes you reconsider reality.

Plato: The Inspirer 

Plotinus owes a lot to Plato, the philosopher who saw the world of ideas as the true reality. For Plato, everything we see is just a shadow of something more perfect that exists in another realm. Plotinus took this idea and turned it into a system where the One is the source of everything. It's like Plato provided the base alcohol for Plotinus' cocktail.

Aristotle: The Rational Touch 

Then there's Aristotle, the practical philosopher who tried to bring order to Plato's chaos of ideas. His theories on causality and substance helped Plotinus explain how the One, while remaining unchangeable, could emanate everything that exists. Aristotle added that touch of rationality that makes Plotinus' cocktail as delicious as it is powerful.

Plotinus: The Master Mixer 

Finally, there's Plotinus, the master mixer. He took the ideas of his predecessors and elevated them to a new level of understanding. His vision of the One, the Intellect, and the Soul represents a bold attempt to explain the universe in terms of unity and diversity. It's like a bartender who can create the perfect cocktail, balanced and surprising.

So, next time you're feeling philosophical, take a moment to appreciate Plotinus' cocktail. It's a mix of ideas that will not only make you think but also make you smile at its audacity. And maybe, with a bit of luck, it will make you see the world with new eyes, just like a good drink should.

Plotinus' Religious Metaphysics: Always Trendy, Never Out of Style

You know those things that never go out of style, like ripped jeans or jokes about politicians? Well, Plotinus' religious metaphysics is just like that. Despite being as old as the ruins of Rome, his ideas are still fresh and relevant. And no, we're not talking about supermarket freshness, but that intellectual freshness that makes you feel like you've discovered a new way of seeing the world.

The One for All, All for the One

Plotinus invented the idea of the One, a sort of super entity from which everything derives. Imagine the One as the main DJ of a cosmic nightclub, mixing the tracks of reality. This concept is so powerful that even today it can make us reflect on the nature of existence and our place in the universe. And no matter how skeptical you are, you can't deny there's something fascinating about an idea that embraces everything and everyone.i. 

The Connection Between Spirituality and Rationality 

Plotinus did something that few philosophers manage to do: he united spirituality with rationality. In an era where science and religion often seem at odds, his ideas offer a bridge that allows us to see beyond appearances. It's like Plotinus found a way to make the priest and the scientist dance together without stepping on each other's toes.

The Soul's Journey 

According to Plotinus, the human soul can return to the One through contemplation and virtue. This is not just a poetic thought, but an invitation to continuously improve. It's like a spiritual journey with Google Maps, but without the annoying navigator voice. His vision pushes us to always seek something greater and more meaningful in our lives.

Why Plotinus is the Philosopher You Should Know

So, why should you care about Plotinus? I mean, there's an endless list of things to do: binge-watching TV series, endless scrolling on Instagram, trying to find the best avocado toast in town. Yet, dedicating some time to Plotinus might be one of the most intriguing choices you can make. Here's why.

A Master of Introspection 

Plotinus is not just a name from a philosophy textbook; he's a true master of introspection. His ideas about the One, the Intellect, and the Soul are not just empty words but tools to help you understand yourself and the world around you. It's like having a personal guru without the need for incense and mantras.  

Philosophy as an Epic Journey

With Plotinus, philosophy becomes an epic journey. Not a boring pilgrimage through dusty books, but an adventure that takes you to explore the depths of your soul and the universe. It's like being the protagonist of a fantasy novel, with the added bonus of becoming wiser along the way.

Current and Relevant 

Despite living almost two thousand years ago, Plotinus' ideas are surprisingly current. In an era where we often feel fragmented and disconnected, his vision of fundamental unity can offer a sense of coherence and meaning. It's like discovering that your old stereo can still play fantastic music; you just need to know which buttons to press.

Why I Recommend Plotinus

I recommend delving into Plotinus' religious metaphysics because it offers a unique and fascinating vision of the connection between spirituality and philosophy. His ideas are a true workout for the brain.

Why I Don’t Recommend Plotinus

I don’t recommend exploring Plotinus' religious metaphysics if you prefer simple and immediate things. If you don't like puzzles and abstract theories, it might not be the right topic for you. 

Metaphysics and Neoplatonism: inside Plotinus' mind
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri June 6, 2024


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