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Quantum Love: Before and After the Entangled Twist

The music video that sparked our synapses.
December 15, 2024 by
Quantum Love: Before and After the Entangled Twist
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

A visual trip through deserts, ashrams, French palaces, and outer space—seasoned with a pinch of Greek tragedy. A philosophical eye-candy bonanza that’ll make your brain do backflips

From the desert to the stars: an interdimensional music video

There's a new music video in town, and it’s not your run-of-the-mill pop spectacle. This is a full-on interdimensional journey blending quantum physics, Greek theater, and what can only be described as avant-garde fashion week on LSD.

Picture this: a 53-year-old man in a tuxedo, crooning in the middle of a desert. Sounds like the start of a deep, existential indie film, right? But wait—cut to the same guy, now decked out as a Hindu monk at an ashram, like he just impulse-booked a spiritual retreat.

But hold your interdimensional horses—it gets better. Enter a 42-year-old woman dressed as an 18th-century French noble, wig included, belting out lyrics in front of a postcard-perfect château. You’re just starting to process this historical déjà vu when suddenly she’s in a spacesuit, staring straight into the camera. The gaze? So intense it feels like the Moon herself is judging your every life choice.

And it doesn’t stop there. Just when you think you’ve wrapped your head around this temporal rollercoaster, the woman reappears. This time? Evening gown in the desert. Blink, and she’s in monk robes at the ashram. It’s like someone said, "What if we visualized quantum entanglement but made it fashion?" Oh, and the finale? A Greek tragedy chorus, lined up in symmetrical perfection, solemnly vibing in front of a classical amphitheater. It’s the kind of highbrow visual mic drop that screams, “Art! Physics! Madness!”

Perché te lo consiglio

Te lo consiglio perché è una delle esperienze visive più strane e poetiche che vedrai quest'anno. Mescola mondi diversi in un caos armonico che ti lascia con mille domande e zero risposte. Perfetto, no?



Perché non te lo consiglio

Non te lo consiglio perché, se cerchi un video "normale", qui non troverai nulla di familiare. I costumi, i luoghi e la gravitas degli sguardi potrebbero farti sentire come l'unica particella non entangled dell'universo.

Why I Recommend It

Because it’s one of the strangest, most poetic visual feasts you’ll experience all year. It’s a perfectly chaotic blend of worlds, leaving you with a head full of questions and zero answers. Isn’t that just the best kind of art?



Why I Don't Recommend It

If you’re looking for a “normal” music video, you’re in the wrong quantum field. The costumes, settings, and straight-faced gravitas of the performers might leave you feeling like the one particle in the universe that didn’t get entangled.

Quantum Love: Before and After the Entangled Twist
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri December 15, 2024


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