Live Like Saint Augustine in 30 Days!

Ancient Spirituality for Modern Souls!
June 26, 2024 by
Live Like Saint Augustine in 30 Days!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

Venture into the Mists of Time and See How Saint Augustine Can Confound Even the Sharpest Modern Minds. Warning: May Cause Enlightenment!

Perché Sant'Agostino? Perché no? 

Ever wondered what makes a saint a philosopher, or a philosopher a saint? Yep, we’re talking about Saint Augustine, the guy in the robe who couldn’t stop thinking about stuff way too big for his time—and maybe for ours too! If you’ve ever found yourself pondering existential dilemmas, like whether to order your pizza with or without anchovies at midnight, then, my friend, you’re in the right place.

Saint Augustine isn’t just that dusty old chap in philosophy history books. No sir! This dude was a rock star of deep thought, beating everyone to the punch with questions about God, the universe, and everything else—yes, even before it was cool. And if you think his ideas are just for solitary monks with a penchant for calligraphy and ancient books, think again.

Join me on this sarcastic journey through the mind of one of the greatest thinkers of all time. You’ll find that Saint Augustine is more relevant than you think and that, perhaps, he can teach us a thing or two about navigating the turbulent waters of modern life with a bit more grace and a lot, a lot of sarcasm.

Saint Augustine’s Theories: Not Just for Saints 

Time: The Beginning of Everything or Just Another Excuse?

Ever tried explaining the concept of time to your cat? Well, Saint Augustine tried it with humans. He wondered if time existed before the world began. It's like asking if you can be late to a party that hasn't been scheduled yet. Deep, huh? Augustine said time is a creation of God, which means God never had to run to catch a bus. Think about that next time you’re stuck in traffic!

Evil: Whose Fault?

So, about evil. Saint Augustine was obsessed with where the heck (pardon the pun) evil hid if God made everything perfect. His answer? Evil isn’t a “thing,” but a lack of good, kind of like a hole in a sweater. You can’t wear the hole, but you definitely notice it's cold. So, according to him, when we do bad things, we’re not embracing evil; we’re just ignoring the good. Like when you ignore the veggies on your plate.

Predestination: All in Line for the Afterlife

And finally, a real twist: predestination. Saint Augustine believed that our ticket to heaven (or the other place) was already booked before we were even born. Whether you're the saint in this scenario or the partying sinner, it might have already been decided. It’s a bit like when your mom picks your outfit for the family photo: you might not like it, but you’ve got to wear it!

So there you have it, couch philosophers. Saint Augustine leaves us with plenty to ponder as we try to figure out if we chose to read this article or if it was all already written in the stars. Either way, at least now you know who to blame if your life feels a bit predestined!

Saint Augustine: Ancient but Always Relevant 

So, what have we learned from exploring the dusty crypts of Saint Augustine’s mind, aside from the fact that he probably needed a good dose of vitamin D and maybe a less brainy hobby? Well, for starters, we've discovered that even though he lived centuries ago, Augustine might have been one of us—if only he'd had access to Netflix and some good self-help books.

He’s left us with the notion that time is such an elusive concept we might as well stop trying to measure it (good news for anyone who's always late). About evil, he’s taught us that something’s missing in the world—and maybe that missing thing is just a bit more kindness and fewer venomous comments on the internet. And on predestination, he’s given us the perfect excuse for when we forget our wedding anniversary: "It's not my fault, it was predestined!"

In conclusion, Saint Augustine shows us that no matter how ancient a theory, there are always nuggets of wisdom we can fish out and apply, even in a world that changes faster than he could have ever imagined. And if you ever feel overwhelmed by the complexity of life, remember: Saint Augustine was scratching his head over these things too. So, take a deep breath, laugh a little, and maybe, just maybe, take a peek at that old philosophy book. You might find it’s more relevant now than you ever thought.

Why I Recommend Him

I suggest delving into Saint Augustine because it’s like having a spiritual mentor who knows how to blend depth and humor. Imagine sipping on ancient wisdom with a modern twist, all while sorting out life’s dilemmas. With Augustine by your side, you not only update your world view but learn to laugh a bit more at its quirks. Not bad, huh? 

Why I Might Not

I wouldn’t recommend diving into Saint Augustine if you prefer keeping things simple and free of philosophical entanglements. Let's just say Augustine loves to complicate things, discussing topics like time, evil, and predestination—issues that might make your head spin more than a marathon of foreign TV series without subtitles. If your idea of a relaxing evening involves avoiding existential crises, maybe it’s best to leave Saint Augustine on the library shelves, amidst the dust of the past. 

Live Like Saint Augustine in 30 Days!
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri June 26, 2024


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