Hey, remember that time you lived in a Platonic idea?

Like, when your soul was commuting between the world of Ideas and the corner coffee shop?
March 21, 2024 by
Hey, remember that time you lived in a Platonic idea?
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri

In this unauthorized dive into Platonic reminiscence, we're gonna find out together how Plato can help you find yourself, and you won't even have to leave your couch.

Welcome to the mind's labyrinth: the starting line for remembering the Ideas.

Ever found yourself staring into the abyss beyond your smartphone, wondering if life has more to offer than endless scrolling through social networks more crowded than a year-end sale? Well, I've got news for you: there's more, a lot more. And no, I'm not talking about discovering a new hobby like knitting or indoor skydiving. I'm talking about something so ancient, so deeply intertwined with the very fabric of our existence, that you might start wondering if your true purpose in life has always been hiding in plain sight, like those keys you're always searching for while they're in your hand. 

Imagine for a moment being able to slide back in time, not to relive that cringe-worthy first date or fix that horrendous high school haircut, but to dive into a world of pure ideas, concepts untainted by the chaotic and often disappointing reality we find ourselves in. A place where beauty, justice, and love aren't just words we stumble over in our awkward attempts at being decent humans, but living, vibrant essences you can almost touch... or at least remember.

Yes, I'm talking about Platonic reminiscence. That concept where your soul, before deciding to take a dive into the body you're currently occupying, wandered free and sovereign in the lush garden of Ideas, befriending concepts so lofty that now, just trying to remember them, gives you a headache. What if I told you that this journey to discover what your soul knew before it got too cozy with your couch is exactly what you need? Not to find those keys or improve your score on that video game you'll never admit you play, but to rediscover yourself, the most authentic you, the one who knows, remembers, and yearns to reconnect with the universal truths it once called friends.

Buckle up, my friend, because we're about to dive headfirst into the deep blue of philosophy, without life jackets and with nothing but our innate curiosity to guide us. And who knows? Maybe we'll find that the keys we lost don't just open our home's door but also the door to recognizing who we were before we became... well, us.

In the heart of dialogue: uncovering the mysteries of Platonic reminiscence

Now that I've hooked you with the promise of a philosophical adventure that would make Indiana Jones pale in comparison, it's time to dive in. Yes, right into the throbbing heart of Platonic reminiscence. And no, it's not the title of an action movie from the '80s you missed because you were too busy not being born yet. It's something much more epic.

Imagine being in an exclusive club, the kind that would never let you in in real life, where Ideas like Beauty, Justice, and Truth aren't just listed on the cocktail menu but are the actual stars of the evening. And your soul? Oh, it was a regular, sauntering around the place like it owned it, engaging in animated conversations with these abstract concepts like old friends at a bar counter.

But then, for reasons only philosophers in togas could explain, you decided it was time to leave the party. Maybe because humanity needed you, or perhaps because you'd simply run out of free drinks. So, you descended into the material world, where Ideas are a bit more blurred and much, much harder to grasp. And since then? Well, let's just say you've been suffering from a kind of cosmic hangover.

The good news, however, is that not everything is lost. According to our buddy Plato, with a bit of effort and maybe a few more drops of wine, you can start to remember. It's not about learning something new but rediscovering what your soul already knew. It's like finding that pair of glasses you lost months ago, except instead of glasses, they're the very foundations of your existence.

That's the beauty of Platonic reminiscence: it tells us that deep down, we already have all the answers. We just need to stop getting distracted by cell phone notifications long enough to listen. Sure, it might seem a bit like trying to figure out the ending of a movie by only watching the trailers, but that's where the magic of memory comes in. Every time we recognize beauty in a sunset, justice in an act of altruism, or truth in a moment of clarity, it's our soul peeking through, reminding us that once, we knew exactly what we were doing.

So, as we proceed on this journey, let's keep our eyes open for those 'aha' moments, when something inside us clicks and a small piece of the great puzzle falls into place. Because, my friends, in those moments, we're not just learning; we're remembering. And who knows what other secrets, what other truths, what other free drinks our soul left behind in that exclusive club of Ideas?

Finding ourselves among the Ideas: what Plato teaches us today

And so, after weaving our way through the intricate forest of Platonic reminiscence, here we are, a bit wiser, a bit more confused, but definitely more intrigued than when we started. What a ride, huh? Like that roller coaster you thought was a good idea until you started wondering if lunch would stay put. But here we are, feet firmly on the ground, our heads still in the clouds of Ideas, reflecting on what we've (re)discovered.

We've danced with concepts so ethereal they'd make anyone's head spin, flirted with the possibility that our soul is more of a wanderer than a backpacker on a gap year, and even caressed the idea that everything we know and love has been with us long before we set foot on this planet. Not bad for a day's philosophical work, I'd say.

But what do we take home from this adventure, aside from a potential existential crisis and a new reading list that would make the Library of Alexandria blush? Simple: the awareness that inside us lies an entire universe waiting to be explored. That knowledge isn't just out there, in dusty books and tedious lectures, but hidden within the corridors and secret chambers of our soul, just waiting to be (re)discovered.

Maybe Plato was right, after all. Perhaps we've lived a thousand lives before this one, maybe we drank from the same fountain of Ideas, or maybe it's just a very poetic way of saying we have unlimited potential hidden within us, waiting for that 'eureka' moment to make us say, 'Ah, that's what it was all about!'.

So, as we return to our lives, our daily struggles, and our small victories, let's keep this in mind: every time we encounter something beautiful, just, or true, let's give ourselves a little bow, or a high five, if you prefer. Because at that moment, we're not just living; we're remembering. And in that memory, in that spark of recognition, lies something incredibly powerful. It's proof that, even if just for an instant, our soul has found its way home, to the most exclusive club there is: the club of Ideas.

So, my friend, the next time you find yourself pondering the mystery of your existence, remember to smile. You're in good company. And who knows, maybe the answer you're seeking is already there, tucked away in a corner of your soul, just waiting to make its grand entrance, accompanied by applause and a glass of wine from the world of Ideas. Cheers!

Why I recommend it

I recommend diving into Platonic reminiscence because, let's face it, who wouldn't want to discover they have a cosmic past as an influencer of Ideas? It's like finding out your soul has traveled more than you have. 

Why I might not recommend it

I might not recommend delving into Platonic reminiscence because, honestly, you might end up spending more time pondering the meaning of life than actually living it. And if the answer turns out to be 42? Well, that would be a real kicker after all that philosophy.

Hey, remember that time you lived in a Platonic idea?
homoerectus, Alessandro Liggieri March 21, 2024


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